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Show off Your Space: Top Tips for Real Estate Photography Prep

Great real estate photos can make all the difference in attracting potential buyers. They create a fantastic first impression and showcase the best features of your property. But before the photographer arrives, a little prep work goes a long way. Here’s a checklist to ensure your home is picture-perfect, room by room:

Exterior, Front Yard, and Backyard:

  • Create Curb Appeal: Close garage doors, remove cars, mow the lawn, trim bushes, and remove leaves.
  • Clear the Clutter: Trash cans, hoses, ladders, tools, toys, and seasonal decorations all need to go.
  • Sparkling Welcome: Clean your pool and add a touch of coziness with decorative elements like candle holders on the patio.

Hallway and Wardrobe:

  • Tidy and Uncluttered: Put clothes away, remove shoes, and eliminate clutter like keys, wallets, and papers.


  • Less is More: Clear countertops, leaving only a couple of stylish items like a coffee maker or a bowl of fruit.
  • Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Hide dirty dishes in the dishwasher and stash away garbage and recycling bins.
  • Clean and Fresh: Clear magnets and clutter from the refrigerator, and polish countertops and cabinets.
  • Dining Delight: Set the table with a centerpiece like a vase of fresh flowers, ensuring chairs are straightened and spaced evenly.

Living Room:

  • Banish the Mess: Remove magazines, papers, mail, toys, and any clutter from the fireplace. Clean the fireplace interior and glass front (if applicable).
  • Inviting Comfort: Fluff and arrange furniture pillows, hide electrical device cables, and create a cozy atmosphere.


  • Hotel-Worthy Presentation: Use wrinkle-free, matching bedding with no fading or discoloration. Make the bed with decorative pillows if available.
  • Personal Touch? Not Here: Remove personal belongings like pictures, clothes, electronics, and trash cans. Clean under the bed for a polished look.

Kids’ & Guest Bedrooms:

  • Neutral Appeal: Remove personalized items like names and pictures from the walls. Tidy the room by putting toys away and showcasing a few key toys on shelves.

Home Office:

  • Organized Efficiency: Clear your desk, hide or arrange cables, put papers away, and neatly organize items on bookshelves. Remove any personalized items.


  • Clean and Uncluttered: Clear countertops (consider leaving a decorative soap dispenser). Put toilet seats down and remove toiletries from showers and tubs. Hang up clean, matching towels and remove floor mats.

By following these tips, you’ll prepare your home for stunning real estate photography that highlights its true potential and entices potential buyers to come see it for themselves.